Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Investment Centre

TIC logo

Business License


Any person who is engaged in business transaction is required to apply business license prior operations.


Business License is categorized in two groups:-

  • Group A; All types of business which are regulated or administered by any laws, any business of national or international nature or Governed by policy.
  • Group B, All types of business which unregulated, any other business which is not of National/International nature or not governed/proceeded by policy.

 How to Apply.

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum and Article of Association.
  • Evidence of nationality of shareholders
  • Certified lease agreement/title deed
  • Power of Attorney in case the shareholders of the company are non residents
  • Tax payer Identification Number (TIN)
  • Tax clearance
  • Sectoral approval in case of any business which is regulated or administered by any laws

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