Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Investment Centre

TIC logo



The Communication Act of 1993 paved the way for advancement of the telecommunication sector, while the National Telecommunication Policy (NTP) of 1997 provided the framework for further reforms and private-sector engagement in the sector. A milestone in telecom sector was achieved by the establishment of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) in 2003, as an independent agency for the regulating and licensing of postal, broadcast, and communication, industries. The TCRA is mandated to promote competition and economic efficiency, protect consumer interests, grant licenses and enforce license conditions, regulate tariffs, and monitor performance. Please refer to the next exhibit regarding subscribers of voice telecommunication in Tanzania.

Quick Facts

  • Communication activities continue to grow at a rate of 20% annually due to increase in mobile phone activities.
  • Tanzania is now connected to the fiber optic cable to global networks through India and Europe. This development has resulted in increased investments by internet service providers (ISP).
  • The number of internet users was 4.9 million (2010 estimates), which implied that only 20% percent of people in Tanzania had access to internet services
  • During the same year 2010, the tele-density of telecommunication sector grew by 50% percent.
  • The TCRA has also approved a Converged Licensing Framework (CLF), which allows operators to offer any type of services with the technology of their choice with one single license. The licenses are technology-neutral and service-neutral.
  • Following such convergence in licensing, Tanzania’s telecommunication sector has become more appealing to both Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and domestic capital, and is becoming one of the country’s fastest growing sectors
  • Telecommunication market potential indicated positive signs, such as penetration rate of 61% percent; 24,345,279,292 minutes of national traffic; 201,827,164 minutes of traffic to international; and 253,811,569 minutes of traffic from international.

Available Opportunities

  • Provision and operation of Private Network Links employing cables, radio communications, or satellite, within Tanzania.
  • Provision and operation of Public Mobile Communications (Cellular Mobile telephony, Paging, and Trunked Radio)
  • Provision and operation of Community Telecommunication (Rural and Urban)
  • Provision and operation of Value Added Network/Data Services (Internet, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail services)
  • Sales and installation of Terminal Equipment.
  • Repair and maintenance of telecommunications facilities, and
  • Cabling (e.g. Telephone-external and internal wiring for residential, office etc.)

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